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Cheshire, CT, United States
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. Albert Camus

Friday, September 18, 2009

Becky and Frank's Wedding Day

What a beautiful day we had. Becky and Frank had their ceremony at Glastonbury Country Club and the reception immediately following. However we made it on the golf course to get some photos afterward, Becky and Frank didn't want to miss too much of their wedding. So we were "fast" and "furious".

After finishing the edit, looking at the flowers it just made me feel like FALL was coming. I am posting just a few of my favorites!

Photographers always hear a photo request from a "future" bride that hopes we get their fiances' expression while coming down the "aisle". Just wanted to say "kudos' Frank you did a great job! What every bride wants to see. Tears of joy and happiness!

Best Wishes to both of you for years of happiness!