Here we are, Heather and I waiting for our 7:45 plane into Bradley. Yes I know for all you CT Puggers it is Friday, We stayed an extra day in LA and tried to soak up some sun before getting back into a double hitter this weekend.
Okay time to vent, and hopefully realize that we are not the only two that experienced a bad flight. Oh I am sorry FLIGHTS!
First of all whose genius idea was it to have the front of the plane board first and then start a traffic jam and aggravate all flyer's before we even get on the plane. What a novel idea...
However it is entertaining to watch some people try to make their suitcase fit in the overhead compartment. Who was not paying attention in kindergartens, 101 BLOCKS!!
What happened to the once happy greetings from the stewardess, it must be from all the handing out of those complimentary:
-beverages and snacks
Oh that is right there is no more of that.
$2.00 for a soda...CRAZY! Don't even get me started :-)
There is however in increase on the cost of flights, and the new $15( both times) to claim your bags.
I guess just after this great Partner Conference 2008, we talked about our "client experience" and I have to say flighing US Airways was not a good experience and I have no desire to fly with them again.
But that is alright because no one on the plane thanked them for flying US Airways, hoped they enjoyed the experience or even hope that they fly with them again....
Okay so my next flight is October 2nd, lets hope I have a better experience.
Hope all your CT Puggers had a better flight home then we did, and I can't wait to hear all about everyone's adventures on the way home.. Thanks again for a great time and I hope to see you all soon...